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Recipe adapted from


  • 10-12 Roma tomatoes
  • 1 poblano pepper
  • 1 jalapeño pepper
  • 1 red onion, quartered
  • 3 limes, halved
  • Pepper infused vodka
  • 2 tbsp. Worcestershire Sauce
  • 1 tsp. Tabasco sauce
  • 1 tsp. fresh horseradish
  • 4 tsp. Meat Church Holy Cow Rub
  • Spicy green beans (optional garnish)
  • Hot pickled okra (optional garnish)
  • Lime wedge (optional garnish)
  • Celery stalks (optional garnish)
  • MEAT like Slim Jim's, Benny's Beef straws (optional garnish)
  • Smoked Pepper Infused Vodka:
  • 1 750 ml bottle vodka
  • 6 chipotle peppers


  1. Set the EGG for direct cooking, without the convEGGtor and stabilize at 375°F.
  2. Grill the poblano pepper for 10 - 12 minutes or until it appears to have softened.
  3. Remove the pepper and place it in a small bowl and cover with saran wrap to let it steam. Set aside.
  4. We are trying to loosen the blistered skin so we can remove it. Grill the tomatoes and onion for approximately 15 minutes, also until softened.
  5. Flip at least once during the grill. Add the whole jalapeño and limes for the last 5 minutes of the cook.
  6. Remove all of the vegetables to cool. Core and seed the jalapeño (unless you like it hot!) and remove the skin and seeds from the poblano.
  7. Place the tomatoes, peppers, and onions in a blender.
  8. Juice the limes into the mixture. Blend until very smooth.
  9. Add Worcestershire, Tabasco sauce, horseradish and Holy Cow.
  10. Mix thoroughly. You may need to pour this mixture through as a strainer as it will be pretty thick. I also recommend chilling the mixture for a few hours. This will cool it as well as allow the flavors to more thoroughly come out.
  11. When you are ready for breakfast, pour the Bloody Mary mixture into a glass with ice along with a shot or 2 of vodka.
  12. Garnish like crazy and enjoy!
Smoked pepper infused vodkaPeppers of your choice, but we like serrano and jalapeño. Smoke the peppers (indirect with the convEGGtor on a Big Green Egg at 200°F/93°C. ) until the peppers are completely dry. This process could take 15-20 hours. Let the peppers cool. Place the vodka in an airtight container such as a large mason jar. Drop the desired amount of peppers in and let it sit 3-5 days.

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