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Sales Consultant

You’ve been good at this your whole life.

You walk into a room, and you instantly see possibilities… “move this here, move that there…”

...”Definitely get this chair and this rug…”

And then after a few effortless tweaks…


“It’s perfect!”

Your vision made the space feel exactly like they’ve always dreamed of, but they could have never fully pulled it together on their own.

You know what that’s called?

Your superpower. 🦸🏼‍♀‍

Maybe you’ve had some design gigs just for fun. Maybe you’ve been that friend to step in and help pick out paint colors or a bedroom set. Maybe you’ve even worked at a furniture store before.

But you’ve never had a position where people celebrate you for the design superhero that you are.

Well my friend, it’s time. It’s time for you to step into a place where your work and your play become one. 😃

Where you get paid for your passion, and celebrated for your style. 😇

As an Outdoor Home Design Consultant, you will help beautiful people design beautiful living spaces with the coolest products in the world. 🤩

When people walk through our doors, they’re not looking to just buy some patio furniture or pick up a new barbecue grill. What they’re really looking for is the outdoor living space of their dreams...where they can relax, entertain, and comfortably sip wine into the late hours of the evening with their best friends.

But they need an awesome design with awesome energy to make it all happen.

That’s where you come in.

With your super powers guiding you, you will help them lay out their space, choose the perfect fabric colors, and select the perfect combination of table, chairs, fire pit, and premium outdoor cooking gear to make those vibes ring like a Sunday church bell.

And oh, how they’ll sing your praises! Because long after your work is done, the good times will be rolling and you were the one that set the scene for lifetime memories.

Sound like fun?

You said you’ve been good at this your whole life, right?

So what are you waiting for?

Shoot an email right now to with #SuperPower in your subject line and we’ll be in touch for an interview! 💥

Oh… and you’re probably wondering about the details of the gig. Here’s the low down:

This is a 9a-6p gig. A few times a year we’ll need your help with the occasional after-hours event, but don’t worry, you’ll always be fed like royalty!

This is a job that demands you be a self-starter. If you are the kind that needs a kick in the pants, weekly sympathy for why you are late, or a reminder of how to stay busy, please move on. You simply will not make it here. No whiners or drama queens either! 🙅🏼‍♀‍

You do not need to be a BBQ pro, a sales person, or a seasoned expert. Any of these things will help, but your passion and work ethic are what really matter!

That’s all for now. Shoot us that email!

Talk soon! 📩