Are you looking for a tasty and easy recipe to prepare on your Big Green Egg? How about this delicious onion soup? You can serve this main dish soup in about an hour. To enhance the flavor of the onions, even more, you can first grill them on your Big Green Egg.
- 8 large white onions
- 4 cloves of garlic
- 2-3 tbsp sunflower oil
- 5 oz butter
- 1/4 cup flour
- 50 oz l beef stock
- 4 cloves
- 8 sage leaves
- 2 oz butter
- 2 tbsp flour
- 6-7 oz milk
- nutmeg to taste
- 4 oz grated Gruyère
- 4 large or 8 small slices of artisan white bread
- Ignite the charcoal in the Big Green Egg and heat, with the Cast Iron Grid, to 180°C. Meanwhile, peel the onions and slice them in half lengthwise, leaving the crown and bottom intact. Peel and finely chop the garlic.
- Brush the onions with the sunflower oil and sprinkle with salt. Grill the onions on both sides on the grid. Allow them to color significantly but not burn.
- Remove the onions from the EGG and leave to cool slightly. Close the lid of the EGG and reduce the temperature to 150°C. Cut the onions into large chunks.
- Place the Cast Iron Dutch Oven on the grid and add the butter. Allow the butter to begin to color, then add the onion and garlic. Fry the onions until transparent. Stir regularly. Mix in the flour and allow it to cook for at least 3 minutes. Close the lid of the EGG after each stage.
- While stirring, carefully pour the beef stock into the Dutch Oven. Add the cloves and the sage. Close the lid of the EGG and bring to the boil. Let the soup simmer for 15-20 minutes.
- Meanwhile, make a béchamel sauce for the toast: melt the butter in a small saucepan on the stove, mix in the flour and leave to cook for several minutes. Be sure the sauce doesn’t begin to color.
- Little by little and while using a whisk to stir, add the milk until a smooth sauce forms. Allow thickening until it resembles yogurt. Season to taste with salt and nutmeg. Mix a third of the Gruyère into the béchamel sauce. Spread the slices of bread with the sauce and sprinkle them with the remaining Gruyère.
- Remove the Dutch Oven from the EGG and season the soup to taste with salt and pepper. Place the lid on the pan to keep the soup warm. Heat the Half Plancha Griddle with the smooth side facing up on the grid of the EGG.
- Once it has reached the desired temperature, place the bread plain-side up on the plancha. Close the lid and grill the bread for approx. 8 minutes until it has become crisp and the cheese has melted. Serve the toast with the onion soup.