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Cold Weather Benefits of a Big Green Egg

Sizzle Your Way Through Winter

With an EGG, it’s not about how to grill in winter, it’s about what to grill … a new season deserves new recipes! From soups and stews to main dishes, these hearty recipes will leave you feeling warm and satisfied.

Winter Grilling Essentials

These winter grilling must-have EGGcessories let the EGG work its magic, while you monitor everything about your cook from the comfort of the couch!

EGG Genius

EGG Covers

Bluetooth Dome Thermometers

All-Weather Storage Bags

The Grill for All Seasons

Winter is often thought of as a time for hearty stews, warming soups, and comforting casseroles, but true EGGheads know that grilling doesn't have to stop just because the temperature drops. Thanks to its incredible thermal efficiency, the outside temperature doesn’t affect the EGG, even if the temperature drops below freezing.

winter grilling on the Big Green Egg
the grill for all seasons big green egg

All-Weather Benefits of an EGG

Winter weather can be unpredictable, so make sure you're prepared for anything. This might mean having extra lump charcoal on hand, investing in a cover to protect your EGG against snow and ice, or even setting up a windbreak to shield your EGG from the elements.

Luckily, a Big Green Egg kamado grill doesn’t rely on cords, gas tanks, or moving parts that can freeze up or wear out. Electricity out? No problem! Your EGG is powered by 100% natural lump charcoal and fire – that’s it.

Staying in While Cooking Out

On a cold rainy day or a chilly night, there is nothing more comforting than a hot EGG cooking a warm meal. But let’s face it, there are those scenarios when you’d much rather be in by the fire than outside tending the grill. During these times, a remote/wireless thermometer allows you to manage the cooking temperature of your EGG and track the internal temperature of your food. How's that for convenient!

staying in while cooking out big green egg

Want More Tips & Tricks?

We have the largest playlist of Big Green Egg tutorials, recipes, and product announcements on the internet. Head over to our YouTube channel and find everything you need for the Ultimate Cooking Experience!


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